Klassic Kovacs

Ernie Kovacs

I became a fan of Ernie Kovacs in 1977 when PBS aired the 10-part series, The Best of Ernie Kovacs, which was mostly comprised of the specials that he produced for ABC from April 1961 until his untimely death in January 1962. I loved his  humor and this bit is one of my favorite Kovacs creations.

If you are unfamiliar with Kovacs’s work, this may not seem all that impressive but by 1961 standards, this was innovative. Kovacs brought a sense of imagination to television and used the medium in ways that nobody else did. I sometimes wonder what he would have done with technology as it progressed….sadly, we’ll never know. But instead of lamenting what might have been, let’s sit back and enjoy this example of the genius of Ernie Kovacs.

Funny Weather

Here’s Paul Lynde reporting the weather on a Toledo, Ohio tv station in 1978….I wish all weather segments could be this entertaining.

Quote of the Day

“Nothing there but basketball, a game which won’t be fit for people until they set the basket umbilicus-high and return the giraffes to the zoo.”  ~Ogden Nash

Quote of the Day

Red meat is not bad for you.  Now blue-green meat, that’s bad for you!”  ~Tommy Smothers

Quote of the Day

Sleep is perverse as human nature,
Sleep is perverse as legislature….
So people who go to bed to sleep
Must count French premiers or sheep,
And people who ought to arise from bed
Yawn and go back to sleep instead.”
~Ogden Nash, Read This Vibrant Exposé

Quote of the Day

The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one.”  ~Erma Bombeck

Quote of the Day

Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks.”  ~Author Unknown

The Yuck of the Irish

The Yuck of the Irish

Hope your St. Patrick’s Day dinner was better than this!

And So it Begins

This is my first post on my blog. The first step on what I hope will be a long journey. I may make a few pit stops along the way but my plan is to be on this road for quite a few miles.

WordPress is new to me so I will be learning a lot as I go along. I am looking forward to finding new features to use and will do my best to make it all look pretty spiffy. For now, I’ll settle for the basics. As Glinda the Good Witch said to Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, “It’s always best to start at the beginning”, so this will be the beginning of our adventure together.

Without any Wicked Witches along the way (I hope!).

Ester Goldberg

International Glamour Puss of all Media

By Ken Levine

Thoughts about this and that....and sometines that and this



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Thoughts about this and that....and sometines that and this